Troya Health and Beauty Clinic

  Contact : +90 543 317 0184

Hair Transplantation

Why Hair Transplantation?


Hair transplantation is widely considered to be the most effective option for restoring hair for this reason. During a hair transplantation, a surgeon moves healthy hair follicles from one location and relocates them to the area of the head that is thin or bald due to the hormone DHT. Each hair follicle extracted from the donor area is carefully transplanted into the scalp in the recipient area to match the patient’s previous hair growth pattern, where the new hair will continue to grow as usual.

Natural Looking Results

Hair transplantation procedures are performed by Troya Clinic surgeons using next generation hair-by-hair restoration techniques. The newly transplanted hair is artistically placed to complement the natural growth of the patient’s hairline and facial features, giving the patient the most natural looking results. This approach creates a seamless transition as soft and silky as the original hairline, with results that look completely natural and undetectable.

Hair transplantation is performed with local anesthesia when patient is awake.The patient does not feel any pain with the help of suitable medications.Precautions will be taken for any allergy of patient.

What are Methods to do Hair Transplantation?

There are two surgical techniques in which hair can be removed a patient’s scalp.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). The way that grafts are transplanted back into a patient’s scalp following their removal is the same with both techniques. It is how the hairs are removed that is different. In the case of the FUE technique each hair graft is removed from the donor region one by one using a punch tool. Both the FUT and FUE technique form scars – FUT forms one linear scar whereas FUE forms multiple circular scars spread across a large area.

Our corporation provides and recommends FUE technique only.

What is FUE?

FUE (follicular unit extraction, or sometimes referred to as follicular unit transplantation) is a type of hair transplant surgery that involves extracting individual hair follicles from a donor part of the body, usually the sides and back of the head.
These individual follicles are then implanted in the areas that are affected. Typically, with the men suffering from male pattern baldness this will be the classic horseshoe area.

How does it work?

During the process, individual follicles – typically between 1 and 4 hairs – are removed under local anaesthesia. The extraction procedure utilises a micro surgical extraction instrument, between 0.6mm and 1.0mm in diameter, to remove the follicles.
The surgeon, using specialist micro surgical needles, then punctures the scalp area that is to receive the grafts. Our surgeons are experts at blending the hair in, inserting the grafts at an angle and density that matches the original hair, so it will resemble a natural and realistic hair pattern.

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