Troya Health and Beauty Clinic

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Health Tourism


Health Tourism in Turkey


Turkey ranks among the top seven countries in the world and at the top in Europe in terms of the abundance and potential of its geothermal sources.

Taking rich thermal sources and skilled labor in medicine into account, recently, our country has been offering qualified health services competitive with those in developed countries. Moreover, geographical position of our country and skilled and well educated labour in health sector are among the most important reasons for our country to be highly favorite in health tourism.

Turkey’s advantage in medical tourism is the high number of accredited hospitals in ophthalmic, odontotheraphy, plastic surgery, transplantation and cardiology as well as its affordable prices, high quality service, and being a leading tourism destination with historical, cultural and natural attractions.

In short term, health tourism will be the most rapidly growing branch of Turkish tourism.


Travelling to Turkey


Turkey provides Visa in airport for most of Europe countries and Middle Eastern countries. Health Visa is not necessary for surgeries Tourist Visa is enough to use medical services.


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